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Inversion Polymorphisms on Anopheles Arabiesis Chromosomes from Several Regions of Ethiopia

Show simple item record Lulu,Mesfin Hadis,Mamuye Makonnen,Yared Asfaw, Tefera 2022-11-24T10:11:06Z 2022-11-24T10:11:06Z 1998
dc.identifier.citation Mesfin Lulu; Mamuye Hadis; Yared Makonnen; Tefera Asfaw,. Inversion Polymorphisms on Anopheles arabiensis Chromosomes from Several Regions of Ethiopia.Springer International Publishing,1999. Vol 19 issues 2-3 .pp 207-210
dc.description.abstract Indoor-resting blood-fed Anopheles gambiae s.l. were collected from selected localities in Ethiopia. Anopheles arabiensis was the only sibling species identified. Paracentric chromosomal inversion polymorphisms were observed on the 2R and 3R arms. A significant excess of heterozygotes was obtained in samples from Sille carrying the 3Ra inversion. Similarly, significant variation was seen in the frequencies of the 3Ra inversion between the study localities. The observed intraspecific inversion polymorphisms relative to indoor resting behaviour are discussed.
dc.format.extent 23-26
dc.title Inversion Polymorphisms on Anopheles Arabiesis Chromosomes from Several Regions of Ethiopia
dc.type Journal Article
ep.identifier.status Limited Access
ep.identifier.status Limited Access
ep.journal Ethiop. J. Health Dev
ep.issue 1
ep.volume 12

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