Immunological values for 562 factory workers from Wonji, Ethiopia, a sugar estate 114 km southeast of the capital city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, were compared to values for 218 subjects from Akaki, Ethiopia, a suburb
of Addis Ababa, for whom partial data were previously published. The following markers were measured: lymphocytes, T cells, B cells, NK cells, CD4_x0001_ T cells, and CD8_x0001_ T cells. A more in depth comparison was also
made between Akaki and Wonji subjects. For this purpose, various differentiation and activation marker (CD45RA, CD27, HLA-DR, and CD38) expressions on CD4_x0001_ and CD8_x0001_ T cells were studied in 60 male, human immunodeficiency virus-negative subjects (30 from each site). Data were also compared with Dutch blood donor control values. The results confirmed that Ethiopians have significantly decreased CD4_x0001_ T-cell counts
and highly activated immune status, independent of the geographic locale studied. They also showed that male subjects from Akaki have significantly higher CD8_x0001_ T-cell counts, resulting in a proportional increase in each
of the CD8_x0001_ T-cell compartments studied: naı¨ve (CD45RA_x0001_CD27_x0001_), memory (CD45RACD27_x0001_), cytotoxic effector (CD45RA_x0001_CD27), memory/effector (CD45RACD27), activated (HLA-DR_x0001_CD38_x0001_), and resting
(HLA-DRCD38). No expansion of a specific functional subset was observed. Endemic infection or higher immune activation is thus not a likely cause of the higher CD8 counts in the Akaki subjects. The data confirm and extend earlier observations and suggest that, although most lymphocyte subsets are comparable between the two geographical locales, there are also differences. Thus, care should be taken in extrapolating immunological reference values from one population group to another.