Taverniera abyssinica A. Rich. is an endemic and threatened medicinal plant species in Ethiopia. However, there is no any attempt to investigate the germination behavior of the seed for sustainable utilization and conservation of the species. This investigation was therefore designed to study the factors affecting germination of the seeds. Effects of storage durations (2, 8, 14, or 20 months), storage conditions (room temperature or refrigeration), pod developmental stages (green, brownish-green or brown) and treatment methods: mechanical, hot water under 30°C-90°C temperature regime, and acid (sulphuric, nitric and hydrochloric acids) on percentage germination of T. abyssinica seeds were investigated. The findings indicated that seeds from brownish-green and brown pods germinated successfully (98% - 100%) and could be stored for at least 20 months in dry condition under 2°C-20°C without loss of viability. However, the seeds of T. abyssinica required pre-germination treatment. Mechanical or 98% sulphuric acid treatment for 10-40 minutes improved germination from 8% (control) to over 98%. Hot water (70°C) treatment for one hour also improved germination to 54%. Mechanical seed scarification is the most promising approach to overcome seed coat dormancy provided that cheap, safe, efficient and easily applicable devices are developed